Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of GHL Systems Berhad (“GHL” or “the Company”) recognizes that maintaining good corporate governance is critical to GHL and its subsidiaries’ (“the Group”) long-term sustainable business growth and for safeguarding and enhancement of shareholders’ interest. The Board is committed to continuously strive for the highest standards of corporate governance in cultivating a responsible organization. 

The Board reviews and enhances the Group’s corporate governance on a continuous basis to ensure that its business and affairs are in strict adherence to the doctrine and principles of good corporate governance such as integrity, transparency, accountability, and responsible business conduct. The Board evaluates and where appropriate, implements relevant best practices to ensure that the Group continues to maintain good corporate governance.

GHL Group Policies

Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy

Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Policy 

Audit & Risk Committee Report

Board Charter

Climate Change & Risk Policy

Code of Ethics & Conduct

Corporate Governance Overview Statement

Corporate Governance Report

Director's Fit & Proper Policy

Directors' Conflicts of Interest Group Policy

Gender Diversity Policy

Labour & Human Rights Policy

Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Policy

Personal Data Protection Policy

Policy Statement On Auditor Independence

Senior Management Renumeration Policy & Procedure

Statement on Risk Management & Internal Control

Terms of Reference For Risk Management Committee

Terms of Reference of Audit & Risk Committee  

Terms of Reference of Nomination & Remuneration Committee

Whistleblowing Policy