Customer Growth

Driven by one of the Group’s Core Values - Customer is the Boss, we continue our efforts in providing excellent service to our customers. Our focus on customer experience and engagement is combined with delivery of high-quality and innovative products.


With the goal of establishing a user-friendly and intuitive tool for our customers and merchants, we launched our online Merchant Portal - GHL Intelligent Support Assistant (“GISA”) in 2020. The tool offers self-help service to our customers through a Live Chat application with Artificial Intelligence (“A.I.”). The A.I. Chatbot is capable of responding to basic customer enquiries, reducing our dependence on call centres.

To further improve on user experience, we upgraded the Merchant Portal with an enhanced dashboard, making it easier to locate payment verification and view payment transaction details.

We maintain regular monitoring of our customer feedback through customer surveys and measurement of our Net Promoter Score (“NPS”). The NPS is calculated annually based on data received from customer feedback to ensure we continuously provide excellent service.

New clients are contacted monthly via Welcome Calls, where we collect feedback to gauge their level of satisfaction with our Merchant Sales Officers and installers' services. In addition to providing a Terminal User Guide, our new customers are also briefed on the basics of terminal use and where relevant, on fraud prevention.


In 2021, we launched our CARDit programme, designed specifically to enable small and medium enterprises (“SMEs”) to transition from their traditional cash transactions. CARDit is a system that enables cardholders to use credit cards to pay merchants or third party suppliers and/or service-providers that traditionally do not accept credit cards, by utilising credit limit.

CARDit assists SMEs by allowing credit cards to be used for transactions that would normally require a bank transfer, such as rent or supplier payments, thus improving business cash flow. Cardholders earn reward points in the same way they would for a regular credit card purchase.


To maintain the high quality of our products and services, we conduct regular internal quality audits and independent audits as required. Our audits identified no quality issues for FY2021. Regular review of merchant experience is conducted to gauge our service quality. Any indication that one of our merchants has been inactive prompts our team to contact the merchant to assess whether there is assistance required. Our bank partners are provided with a monthly Service-Level Agreement ("SLA") Report that details our progress with terminal fault calls, which we try to respond within four hours of receiving the call. For the past two years, the fault call ratio is calculated by comparing the number of terminal fault calls received to the total number of terminals in operation.


With financial literacy as one of our prime focus areas in customer empowerment, we organise events and collaborations each year aimed at equipping our customers with the knowledge they need in order to succeed. While COVID-19 restrictions continued to limit our ability to hold in-person engagement sessions in FY2021, we embraced digital communication to engage with our customers and stakeholders as much as possible.